
Wake Up to an SMS Message

February 18, 2024

Problem statement:

Automate a way to guarantee waking up when an SMS message is received from specified phone numbers.

Debian Linux Initial Setup Guide

November 12, 2023

Whenever I buy a computer or have to re-install the operating system, I find myself gravitating towards Debian-based Linux distributions for the operating system. In the recent past, this has included Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, and Pop!_OS. I have to run through very similar initial steps to get started with all of these, so it’s about time to document them!

Starting a blog with Hugo... lots to learn!

January 16, 2022 · 5 min read

The other day, I watched a YouTube presentation called “Give Yourself a Blog for Christmas” that one of my favorite podcasters, Jack Rhysider, shared. Jack argued that anyone can benefit from a podcast, whether it’s for posting documentation to look back on later or to share out ideas for others to benefit from on the vast internet.