
Wake Up to an SMS Message

February 18, 2024

Problem statement:

Automate a way to guarantee waking up when an SMS message is received from specified phone numbers.

Setting Up Zigbee With Home Assistant

November 22, 2022

Now that my Home Assistant server is set up, it’s time to start adding device integrations! But… there’s some choices to make before diving into this and buying new smart devices. Let’s break those down!

Getting Started With Home Assistant

November 15, 2022 · 10 min read

I have been spending some time learning more about cybersecurity, and the more I learn the more I become suspicious of the internet connected devices that I use on a daily basis. For example, I’m a daily user of WiFi smart plugs. I love being able to remotely schedule my lights to turn on and off, or simply just turn on all of the living room lights without having to individually toggle all of the lamps.